How to buy NEXT on PancakeSwap


In this tutorial, we will show you how to swap from BUSD to NEXT directly on your Metamask wallet. Please read this instruction to register a new Metamask if you don’t have one yet. You also need some BNB to pay for gas fees on BSC; you can follow this instruction to buy some BNB on Binance.


Step 1: Open your Metamask app then press the Menu button on the main screen, then press Browser. Type PancakeSwap on the search bar and select the first result Next, we will connect the PancakeSwap to your Metamask to swap directly on your wallet.

Step 2: Now you are ready to swap tokens on Metamask wallet. You can click on the token symbols to switch to the tokens you want. For example, you can swap BUSD to NEXT. In case NEXT is not added to your PancakeSwap yet, press Manage tokens then key in the NEXT token contract address: 0x9809e877192B510D767a94ba39a79429219a5afB under Tokens then press Import. After checking I understand, the NEXT token is added and ready to swap.

Step 3: For example, you want to swap BUSD and NEXT. You can type how much BUSD you want to swap, and PancakeSwap will calculate the NEXT amount you can receive automatically, based on the current price of NEXT on PancakeSwap. For Slippage, common practice is 0.5%. After pressing Confirm Swap, your swap will be confirmed on BSC and NEXT tokens will show on your Metamask. Once you accumulate 3844 NEXT, you are ready to go MOON!


Now you know how to swap BUSD to NEXT on PancakeSwap. Swapping other token pairs will also happen in the same manner!

Last updated